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 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), Robert Reinagl (Sprecher)



Stellen Sie sich vor, der Liter Super­benzin würde über 4 Euro kosten. Ein Alptraum? Ja. Bloß wäre es erst der An­fang.Als in Saudi-Arabien das größte Ölfeld der Welt versiegt, kommt es weltweit zu Unruhen. Bahnt sich tatsächlich das Ende unserer Zivilisation an? Nur Markus Westermann glaubt an ein Wunder. Er glaubt, eine Methode zu kennen, wie man noch Öl finden kann. Viel Öl. Doch der Schein trügt.Die Menschheit vor ihrer größten Herausforderung: Das Ende des Erdölzeitalters steht bevor!Packend...

Das Jesus-Video
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
Das Jesus-Video
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), Matthias Koeberlin (Sprecher)

Das Jesus-Video

Gibt es ein Video von Jesus Christus? Bei archäologischen Ausgrabungen in Israel findet der Student Stephen Foxx in einem 2000 Jahre alten Grab die Bedienungsanleitung einer Videokamera, die erst in einigen Jahren auf den Markt kommen soll. Es gibt nur eine Erklärung: Jemand muss versucht haben, Aufnahmen von Jesus Christus zu machen! Der Tote im Grab wäre demnach ein Mann aus der Zukunft, der in die Vergangenheit reiste – und irgendwo in Israel wartet das Jesus-Video darauf, gefunden zu werden.Oder...

The Jesus-Video - Episode 01
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Video - Episode 01
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Jared Zeus (Sprecher), Jess Robinson (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Video - Episode 01

In the Beginning

Episode 1: In the Beginning.  Science fiction author Peter Eisenhardt is quite surprised when the media mogul and multimillionaire John Kaun calls on him to assist at an archeological site in Israel. Stephen Foxx and Judith Menez are working there as well and they become witness of the most extraordinary archeological find in history: the manual of a modern video camera in a two-thousand-year-old tomb. The race to solve the mystery begins ... This is Episode 1 of 4 of the audio mini-series...

The Jesus-Video - Episode 02
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Video - Episode 02
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Jared Zeus (Sprecher), Jess Robinson (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Video - Episode 02

The Holy City

Episode 2: The Holy City. The manual of a modern video camera in a 2000-year-old tomb can mean only one thing: In the lifetime of Jesus Christ, this camera could have been used and might have made recordings of great historical impact. Meanwhile, Stephen Foxx deciphers parts of a message that was found together with the manual and which he kept secret from the multimillionaire John Kaun. The few deciphered pieces are enough to come to one conclusion: this is a letter from a time traveler. This is...

The Jesus-Video - Episode 03
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Video - Episode 03
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Jared Zeus (Sprecher), Jess Robinson (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Video - Episode 03

The Mission

Episode 3: The Mission. The deciphered letter assures: The Jesus-Video exists. The hunt for the recording that will unhinge the known world begins. Though it’s not just Stephen Foxx and his opponent John Kaun searching for answers, soon the Vatican is interested in the ominous video as well. The hunt leads everyone to the one city that three world religions dispute over: into the Judean mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, the historical center of Jerusalem. This is Episode 3 of...

The Jesus-Video - Episode 04
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Video - Episode 04
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Jared Zeus (Sprecher), Jess Robinson (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Video - Episode 04


Episode 4. Exodus. Stephen Foxx and his companions are only one step ahead of their enemies in their hunt for the Jesus-Video. Finally, in the ruins of a seemingly abandoned cloister the two groups clash. While Stephen Foxx and his team learn the last remaining secrets surrounding the video, John Kaun's mercenaries launch an assault on the cloister. Now, Stephen and Judith are not only trying to find the video, but they have to fight for their lives. This is Episode 4 of 4 of the audio mini-series...

Der Jesus-Deal
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
Der Jesus-Deal
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), Matthias Koeberlin (Sprecher)

Der Jesus-Deal


Wenn Sie mit einer Zeitmaschine in die Zeit von Jesu Kreuzigung reisen könnten – würden Sie versuchen ihn zu retten? Wer hat das originale Jesus-Video gestohlen? Stephen Foxx war immer überzeugt, dass es Agenten des Vatikans gewesen sein müssen und dass der Überfall ein letzter Versuch war, damit ein unliebsames Dokument aus der Welt zu schaffen. Es ist schon fast zu spät, als er die Wahrheit erfährt: Tatsächlich steckt eine Gruppierung dahinter, von deren Existenz Stephen zwar weiß, von deren wahrer...

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 01
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Deal - Episode 01
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Peter Marinker (Sprecher), John Guerrasio (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 01

Keeper of the Legacy

Episode 1: Keeper of the Legacy. Even after moving to the US, Stephen Foxx and Judith Menez are still pursued by their past and the existence of the Jesus video is both a blessing and a curse. Meanwhile, the orthodox ascetic Samuel Barron, one of the richest men alive, has his own agenda: After years of planning, Barron intends to send his son Michael and three companions back in time. 2000 years in the past, to be precise. This is Episode 1 of 4 of the audio mini-series „The Jesus-Deal“.

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 02
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Deal - Episode 02
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Peter Marinker (Sprecher), John Guerrasio (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 02

Ex Machina

Episode 2: Ex Machina. Michael Barron and his companions are sent back 2000 years with his father’s secretly built time machine. However, their goal is more than just meeting Jesus of Nazareth. Samuel Barron wants them to bring Jesus Christ back to the present time to fulfil the prophesized return of the Son of God himself – all the while knowing that he’ll start the Apocalypse on earth. This is Episode 2 of 4 of the audio mini-series „The Jesus-Deal“.

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 03
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch
The Jesus-Deal - Episode 03
 - Andreas Eschbach - Hörbuch

Andreas Eschbach (Autor), David Rintoul (Sprecher), Peter Marinker (Sprecher), John Guerrasio (Sprecher)

The Jesus-Deal - Episode 03

Out of Time

Episode 3: The Last Supper. While Michael and his companions try to track down Jesus Christ, Judith’s brother Yehoshuah is kidnapped by the Mossad. Stephen and Judith have to return to Israel and try to find him. But this isn’t a simple kidnapping. All evidence suggests that someone is planning an assault on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – a guaranteed start to a Third World War. The Apocalypse seems to be within reach ... This is Episode 3 of 4 of the audio mini-series „The Jesus-Deal“.

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