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70 Treffer

Apocalypsis - Der Schlüssel zur Wahrheit
 - Mario Giordano - eBook
Apocalypsis - Der Schlüssel zur Wahrheit
 - Mario Giordano - eBook

Mario Giordano (Autor)

Apocalypsis - Der Schlüssel zur Wahrheit


Die Welt zwischen zwei Feuern! Rasanter Abschluss der Apocalypsis-Trilogie Die Welt steht am Rande des Untergangs. Peter Adam hat apokalyptische Visionen. Als seine Frau und seine kleine Tochter Maya bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben kommen, eröffnet ihm sein Bruder Nikolas, dass ihr Tod im Zusammenhang mit den Aktivitäten eines okkulten Ordens steht. Zu spät erkennt Peter, dass er der Schlüssel zu allem ist. Dass er das Böse längst entfesselt hat. Und dass nur er das Ende der Welt noch aufhalten...

Apocalypsis - Die Prophezeiung der Finsternis
 - Mario Giordano - eBook
Apocalypsis - Die Prophezeiung der Finsternis
 - Mario Giordano - eBook

Mario Giordano (Autor)

Apocalypsis - Die Prophezeiung der Finsternis


"Apocalypsis ist bis zur letzten Seite eine Sensation. Das Werk eines Profis – teuflisch gut." Sebastian Fitzek Rom. Aufruhr in der Ewigen Stadt. Papst Johannes Paul III. ist spurlos verschwunden. Zur gleichen Zeit werden seine engsten Vertrauten bestialisch ermordet. Bei seinen Nachforschungen stößt der Journalist Peter Adam auf einen Orden, der seit Jahrhunderten gegen die Kirche arbeitet: Die Träger des Lichts. Die Verschwörer stützen ihre Taten auf eine mittelalterliche Prophezeiung und wollen...

Apocalypsis - Das Ende der Zeit
 - Mario Giordano - eBook
Apocalypsis - Das Ende der Zeit
 - Mario Giordano - eBook

Mario Giordano (Autor)

Apocalypsis - Das Ende der Zeit


Der ultimative Vatikanthriller für alle Fans von Dan Brown und Thomas Gifford Der Journalist Peter Adam erwacht im Kölner Dom – ohne Erinnerung daran, was in den letzten Tagen geschehen ist. Ringsum hebt sich der Boden, die Hölle tut sich auf, Menschen stehen in Flammen. Hat die Zeit der Apokalypse begonnen? Selbst der Papst im fernen Rom, der sich Petrus II. nennt, scheint von einem Dämon besessen zu sein und tut nichts, um das drohende Verhängnis abzuwenden. Die letzte Hoffnung der Welt liegt in...

Cotton FBI - Episode 01
 - Mario Giordano - eBook
Cotton FBI - Episode 01
 - Mario Giordano - eBook

Mario Giordano (Autor)

Cotton FBI - Episode 01

The Beginning

Digital Series. Episode 1: New York City. A Chinese woman was brutally murdered and Jeremiah Cotton, a young cop with the NYPD, just can't let go. He suspects that the woman is the victim of a serial killer, but no one believes him and he is taken off the case. While carrying out an unauthorized investigation, Cotton encounters a division of the FBI whose existence no one knows about: the "G-Team."Stubborn and persistent, Cotton asks uncomfortable questions about the mysterious unit - and runs afoul...

Cotton FBI Collection No. 1
 - Jan Gardemann - eBook
Cotton FBI Collection No. 1
 - Jan Gardemann - eBook

Alexander Lohmann (Autor), Mario Giordano (Autor), Peter Mennigen (Autor), Jan Gardemann (Autor)

Cotton FBI Collection No. 1

Episodes 1-4

A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold.   EPISODE 1: THE BEGINNING. New York City. A Chinese woman was brutally murdered and Jeremiah Cotton, a young cop with the NYPD, just can't let go. He suspects that the woman is the victim of a serial killer, but no one believes him and he is taken off the case. While carrying out an unauthorized investigation, Cotton encounters a division of the FBI whose existence no one knows...

Apocalypsis 2.04 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch
Apocalypsis 2.04 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch

Mario Giordano (Autor), Drew Birdseye (Sprecher)

Apocalypsis 2.04 (ENG)


Peter, paralysed by a nerve poison given him by Franz Laurenz hears that the occult library under the Pantheon contains an ancient encrypted book of Evil. Incredulously he also discovers that in fact he isn’t Peter but Nicholas! Laurenz and his disciples are moving him from the library to a safe place when they are set upon by the Bearers of the Light.APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel designed and developed for digital devices.

Apocalypsis 2.06 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch
Apocalypsis 2.06 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch

Mario Giordano (Autor), Drew Birdseye (Sprecher)

Apocalypsis 2.06 (ENG)

Black Madonna

Two weeks earlier: Nicholas, in Cologne Cathedral waiting for instructions from Seth, falls in love with Marina, a mysterious gypsy. When he senses that Peter is in deadly danger in Rome he finds himself transported into his brother’s body. Peter, in the body of Nicholas is on his way back to Cologne with Urs Bühler when he discovers another amulet on a statue of a Black Madonna. The symbol leads him to Burma where Hell is waiting for him.APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel designed and developed for digital...

Apocalypsis 2.02 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch
Apocalypsis 2.02 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch

Mario Giordano (Autor), Drew Birdseye (Sprecher)

Apocalypsis 2.02 (ENG)

Lion Man

Back in Rome, Peter discovers his entire body covered in an enigmatic tattoo, including images of a man with the head of a lion. He still has no memory of the five missing days. When he discovers that his brother Nicholas has apparently been murdered in Cologne, he fears he himself might have killed him.APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel designed and developed for digital devices.

Apocalypsis 2.11 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch
Apocalypsis 2.11 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch

Mario Giordano (Autor), Drew Birdseye (Sprecher)

Apocalypsis 2.11 (ENG)

The Deep Hole

Franz Laurenz does a deal with Pope Peter II to save the life of his daughter. The pope has found out where the mysterious wooden box is hidden and has sent Maria there to find it. Brother Anselmo successfully hacks into Seth’s CCTV surveillance system allowing Franz Laurenz to watch powerlessly as Peter and Nicholas meet their fate in Area 23.APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel designed and developed for digital devices.

Apocalypsis 2.03 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch
Apocalypsis 2.03 (ENG)
 - Mario Giordano - Hörbuch

Mario Giordano (Autor), Drew Birdseye (Sprecher)

Apocalypsis 2.03 (ENG)

Mappa Mundi

Peter and Maria, trying to decipher the meaning of his tattoo, find themselves in the Pantheon in Rome where they stumble on the body of a Roman legionary with one of amulets and a document in ancient Mayan in his hand. They then come across a library of occult books where they find Franz Laurenz, the former pope.APOCALYPSIS is a serial novel designed and developed for digital devices.

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