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ergab in den Bereichen boje, bastei-luebbe
5 Treffer

Science Fiction und Fantasy Leseprobenbuch
 - Carson Hammer - eBook
Science Fiction und Fantasy Leseprobenbuch
 - Carson Hammer - eBook

Carina Zacharias (Autorin)

Science Fiction und Fantasy Leseprobenbuch

Herbst 2016

Neue Science Fiction und Fantasy bei Bastei Lübbe und beBEYOND! Jetzt kostenlos reinlesen - im Leseproben-eBook von Bastei Entertainment. Viel Spaß beim Stöbern! Inhaltsverzeichnis: Sinclair Academy Carina Zacharias: Emba J.S. Frank: Smash 99 Andreas Eschbach und Verena Themsen: Perry Rhodan - Die falsche Welt Margaret Fortune: New Sol Katharina Seck: Die silberne Königin Kai Meyer: Die Sturmkönige Wolfgang Hohlbein: Die Töchter des Drachen / Der Thron der Libelle P.E. Jones: Space Troopers...

Daniel Taylor - Demon Heart
 - Monica Davis - eBook
Daniel Taylor - Demon Heart
 - Monica Davis - eBook

Monica Davis (Autorin)

Daniel Taylor - Demon Heart

Collector's Pack

Daniel Taylor - Demon Heart COLLECTOR'S PACK: This compilation contains all three parts of “Daniel Taylor”, a contemporary young-adult fantasy trilogy. The story — packed with exciting adventure, emotional drama, and a momentous decision — takes place in Little Peak, a typical small town in California.Part 1. DANIEL TAYLOR AND THE DARK LEGACY: Daniel, a high-school outcast with nothing much going for him, suddenly discovers that he has feelings for his attractive classmate Vanessa. And if that weren’t...

Daniel Taylor and the Scepter of Power
 - Monica Davis - eBook
Daniel Taylor and the Scepter of Power
 - Monica Davis - eBook

Monica Davis (Autorin)

Daniel Taylor and the Scepter of Power

Part 3 of 3

Part 3. DANIEL TAYLOR AND THE SCEPTER OF POWER: Vanessa’s life is in danger. Only Daniel can save her, but he’s under the spell of the demons. The Scepter of Power could seal his claim to the title of Overlord. As he searches for it, Daniel learns not only about his true origins, but also a great deal about himself. Ultimately, he has to determine which is stronger: the desire for power and respect - everything his demonic half yearns for - or his humanity?DANIEL TAYLOR is a contemporary young-adult...

Daniel Taylor between Two Worlds
 - Monica Davis - eBook
Daniel Taylor between Two Worlds
 - Monica Davis - eBook

Monica Davis (Autorin)

Daniel Taylor between Two Worlds

Part 2 of 3

Part 2. DANIEL TAYLOR BETWEEN TWO WORLDS: Daniel is torn between two worlds. In one, he can be happy with Vanessa. In the other, the world of demons, he could wield great power. Will Daniel’s dark side win him over, enticing him to embrace his powers over the living and the dead?DANIEL TAYLOR is a contemporary young-adult fantasy trilogy. The story - packed with exciting adventure, emotional drama, and a momentous decision - takes place in Little Peak, a typical small town in California.For fans...

The Chosen One - Die Ausersehene
 - Isabell May - POD
The Chosen One - Die Ausersehene
 - Isabell May - POD

Isabell May (Autorin)

The Chosen One - Die Ausersehene

Band 1


Die 17-jährige Skadi ist eine Ausersehene – dazu bestimmt, dem Königreich Kinder zu schenken. Eine Seuche löschte vor Jahrhunderten einen Großteil der Bevölkerung aus und machte fast alle überlebenden Frauen unfruchtbar. Maella, die Regentin, ließ die wenigen fruchtbaren Frauen in eine Burg bringen, wo sie seitdem im Luxus leben und für den Fortbestand des Reichs sorgen. Skadi aber will sich nicht einsperren lassen und flieht. Verzweifelt irrt sie umher, bis sie zufällig auf den freundlichen Finn...

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