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Mydworth Mysteries - Episode 4-6
 - Neil Richards - eBook
Mydworth Mysteries - Episode 4-6
 - Neil Richards - eBook

Matthew Costello (Autor), Neil Richards (Autor)

Mydworth Mysteries - Episode 4-6

A Cosy Historical Mystery Compilation

From the authors of the best-selling series CHERRINGHAM  This compilation contains episodes 4-6:  MURDER WORE A MASK Lavinia's annual Masked Ball at Mydworth Manor is a highlight of the season - but the lavish party comes to a full stop when one of the guests is found dead down by the lake. Harry and Kat suspect that the dead man was the victim of a clever case of murder. And the killer's work is not yet done...  DEADLY CARGO Mydworth's Excelsior Radio Company is world-famous for its...

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