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Tea? Coffee? Murder! - The Poisoners’ Club
 - Ellen Barksdale - Hörbuch
Tea? Coffee? Murder! - The Poisoners’ Club
 - Ellen Barksdale - Hörbuch

Ellen Barksdale (Autorin), Jessica Whittaker (Sprecherin)

Tea? Coffee? Murder! - The Poisoners’ Club

A Black Feather Mystery


It was meant to be a cosy evening at the Black Feather, but the atmosphere takes a chilling turn when one of the guests clutches his throat, gasping for breath, and topples off his chair. Nathalie, the inn’s owner, is in a state of shock... until she finds out that the "victim" is part of the "Poisoners' Club", an assembly of approximately two dozen pharmacists who gather annually in the quaint town of Earlsraven. Their convention promises an evening of amusement, in the form of activities such as...

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